
Friday, November 6, 2009

I have a nine month baby , and a 2 large livng room, 4 bedrrom, 3 bath, 2 dogs and a husband that doesnt know?

how to pick up his underware or shoes on the floor, if you are busy what you do to keep your home and errands kids organized?

I have a nine month baby , and a 2 large livng room, 4 bedrrom, 3 bath, 2 dogs and a husband that doesnt know?
I am a "Flybaby"! At first I did'nt understand the Flylady website, but I read the whole thing. I love it now! Check out!!!
Reply:GRR! sounds like you need to whip him into shape! tell him you have your hands FULL and you need some help!
Reply:dont do it for him tell him to do it himself!!!
Reply:easy all you do is explain to your husband that you need to keep the huose clean or give him the baby to look after
Reply:First off, quit treating your husband like a child, you are not his maid! Don't touch any of his stuff for a week, when he runs out of underwear, can't find his shoes, etc. perhaps he will notice. Inform him that you choose to treat him as an adult, you are not his Mommy. Teach him to run the washer/dryer. If he doesn't get it...everything left on the floor goes into the "out" box, goes out the door. This also works in training children to pick up after themselves. You must be firm, say what you mean, mean what you say, no nagging. Create/ or buy a large calender, record ALL events, errands, etc., when leaving the house to drive children to events/activities incorporate you errands into the trip. Quit sorting socks, have a sock basket, put all fresh laundered socks in it, anyone watching TV, has the privilege of matching the socks, you don't have to do it yourself! Everyone must put away their own laundry, (except the baby). Raising children and working myself was wearing me to frazzle..I started using the phrase, "No worky, no eaty"! Worked like a charm.
Reply:good question, And my heart goes out to you.
Reply:Talk to your husband and tell him what's on your mind. He probably does know, just ask him to pull his weight because you guys are one and you have to work together.
Reply:You pick your battles and stick to your guns. For example if you are busy feeding children and cleaning up after them then you don't have time to feed and take care of animals. Let him know calmly and stick to it. Either he will jump on board, get you help or the animals will be gone; but stick to the battle you choose. I also checked out the website the other people advised and I wish it had been around when I had this dilemma. Good luck!


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