
Friday, November 6, 2009

Fuzzy brain due to baby?!?

Just wondering, I am in my fifth month (almost 6th) of my first pregnancy and I just can't remember ANYTHING!!!

I keep forgetting small things too, like where my shoes are, if I ate breakfast, etc. and it is driving me insane. My husband kinda gets upset about me being so mentally misplaced recently too, which doesn't help--he says that 'pregnancy brain' is a bunch of crap, but I SWEAR that it is true!!! Is anyone else experiencing this and is there ANY way to make my brain function a little better, lol??

Fuzzy brain due to baby?!?
Oh man I have it hardcore. And when I first heard about pregnancy brain I fully believed that it was a load of crap! But I can tell you now that it is definitely not crap. I've never been so stupid as I am right now lol. The things I say, the things I can't find the words to say, all the many things I forget each day are all proof that this really does exist. Here's a good example: I had never locked my keys in my car before I got pregnant. Now it happens all the time! I'll be running into the house real quick so I think to myself, "I'll just leave my keys in my car." Then I follow that thought by thinking, "I don't want anyone to steal my car so I better lock the door"!!!! I promise you I'm not a stupid person. But that is incredibly stupid. And I've done that at least a handful of times. So, I definitely feel for ya! I hope your hubby can be more understanding... have him talk to your doctor about it because I bet your doctor would back you up on this one. Congrats on the pregnancy! Have fun for the remainder of it. =)
Reply:That has been happening to me too! Im 26 weeks (6 months) with twins and I am frogetting everything!!! I can't stand it!

Good luck with your baby
Reply:I remember what that was like. Lol. At one point I was buttering toast and took toast out of kitchen. When I went back in I couldn't find the butter anywhere, so I started screaming at my partner about what did he do with my butter (he doesn't have any butter) and getting really upset and why did he not want me to have butter on my toast. Half an hour later we found the lid in the fridge but the actual butter was in the bin.

To help you function better write everything down. Tick things off as you do them, At night write down where yo left your shoes and stuff. It helps. And it will get better sometime after you've given birth.
Reply:It's a true symptom of pregnancy and beleive me, being a new mum, your brain is still a fuzzy mess! My son is four months old and i have trouble doing simple maths in my head and doing silly things like trying to put the toaster or kettle away in the fridge...
Reply:Yes. i went thru some of that too...and still do sometimes. It is just the pregnancy. to make it better, slow down a little and take it easy..give ur brain a chance. Also r u taking the omega 3 fish oils. they help. i take the pregnacare ones...and they help.
Reply:there is proof that this happens during preg. its also in the book what to expect when expecting. tell your husband next time he becomes preg he can tell you thats its a bunch of crap lol
Reply:yea right this is totally real it happends to me to have fun trying to FUNCTION! lol
Reply:oh no honey it's true! Trust me lol. I am usually a very organized and methodical person and during pregnancies I really struggle just to keep my schedules straight and get everyday things done. I have post it notes everywhere with little reminders - it is a very real phenomenon. I recommend a very good day planner and a pen ;)
Reply:Hi, I have recently noticed the same thing and I am only 18 weeks. We are moving house and doing renovations whilst working full time and I can't remember anything from one moment to the next.

I look forward to hearing your responses and if anyone has a solution.

You are not alone!!! ;)
Reply:It happens to us all. I would forget my way to places when I was half way there. I always stuck post it notes on the steering wheel of my car to help me remember.
Reply:Totally normal, very true. Just wait until baby's out and you've been sleep deprived for a few years...
Reply:eat fruit
Reply:I experience it with both of my pregnancies. I really do think it happens. I have a pregnant friend who is having the same problem. And it doesn't get any better after the baby comes. I think it gets! Half the time I forget what I'm doing and I run around in circles...........I call it!! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and hope everything works out!
Reply:Nope it is true. I am 32 weeks prego and forget everything....the doctor says its normal.
Reply:Tell your husband it is not full of crap. I was recently reading about this because I was suffering from the same thing. The theory is that hormones play a role AND the fact that there is extra weight in your uterus due to the baby and it can put pressure on a major artery causing less oxygen to get to your brain. I was a major space cadet with my second pregnancy (I just had my son 5 days ago). Now I am a space cadet due to lack of sleep ha ha ha!
Reply:totally normal, just wait gets worse! but better after :)
Reply:LOL!!!!! I used to tease my friend all the time b/c she blamed it all on having kids!!! Well then I got pregnant %26amp; you guessed it... I was the same way!!!!!! I like to think that it got better;) But who truely knows..... I have two kids %26amp; a daycare... kids are why my brain is MIA!!!!!

Good Luck!!!!
Reply:Im totally going through the same thing!!! Its sooo frustrating b/c I normally have a great memory!! I lock the keys in my car and forget to shut things off or lock doors! Im also a server so you can imagine the problems it causes at work, lol!! I dont know any solutions but if you discover any, please share!! Good luck!!
Reply:Yes yes yes! Scientifically, the hormones in your body are out of whack and therefore the surge in them is making you forget. Basically, your body is so inwardly focused on feeding and taking care of the baby that all of its energy is going there, and you end up feeling like an idiot. I can't tell you how many pregnant women have joked that they keep losing brain cells.

Print how the articles below to show to your husband that you aren't crazy!

And congrats on your lil one!
Reply:Oh, yeah absolutely absent-mindedness goes with the territory. The worst that happened to me was I was 8 months along and parked in a handicap zone by mistake, didn't even see the sign. No, tell your dear husband that "pregnancy brain" is for real.

Congratulations, best of luck to you and your husband!
Reply:I am the SAME way! I have no idea what causes it tho...but I seriously feel like I'm losing my mind these days! My memory is always drawing a blank!
Reply:Yep me too! Since getting prego it seems like I can't multitask like I used to, and I can't remember anything!
Reply:you felt your brain? i thought i was gooey, not fuzzy. can i pet it?

peeling skin

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