
Friday, November 6, 2009

Are you STILL a "baby boomer?" Can you answer the following? Then we'll know!?

1.Who gave the longest Inaugural Address of the 20th Century?

2.Which running shoes did Jim Fixx wear?

3.Who once admitted he'd committed adultery in his heart?

4.In what year did Ronald Reagan first publicly mention AIDS in a speech?

5. What was the name of Sid Vicious's girlfriend?

Are you STILL a "baby boomer?" Can you answer the following? Then we'll know!?
I don't know if I am a baby boomer. I think I am about 10-years to soon for the baby boomers? But here goes.

THE LONGEST inaugural speech on record was that of William Henry Harrison in 1841. At 10,000 words, it took him nearly two hours to read -- in fact, he stopped midway, took the oath of office, and then resumed his speech.

Jim Fixx wore red nylon Onitsuka Tiger racing flats. It's hard to even consider these running shoes, they were more like slippers. They offered no support and even less cushioning, but they were beautiful.

Jimmy Carter admitted he's committed adultery in his heart.

I believe it was in 1987 when Regan first mention AIDS in a speech.

Sid Vicious's girlfriend was named Nancyh Spungen (I think)?
Reply:Boomer generation "technically" goes to a birth-year of 1965. Folks born after that would remember many of these things. However, Boomers from say 1945 probably wouldn't know many of them like Jim Fixx or Sid Vicious. Report It

Reply:1. don't know

2. don't know

3. jimmy Carter

4. 1983

5. No idea
Reply:#1-don't know. #2-don't know, who is that?. #3-guess= Jimmy Carter, I liked him as President he is a good and decent man. Good family man. he was also a very hard worker and still is. I respect that and admire that in a person. #4-don't know, do know if reagan had taken AIDS seriously, we would not have 1 in 4 in Africa with aids now. Reagan said "isn't that a gay peoples disease?", he was almost as stupid as Bu$h but not as stupid. Reagan was so dumb he took part in a protest against his own policy called " hands acrost America", it was a protest of lack of food under Reagan policys for poor kids in America. #5-don't know.

Send me comments at the link below, I would love to see your work as a writer. We are currently looking for a writer for our next film. Have you ever written any scrips or done storyboards for films?
Reply:Wow! 'Nancy' I knew, but...pieeeewwwwwww - that's the sound of the rest going way over my head.

Did you come across these in a trivia something-or-another, or are you just that good?!?!
Reply:% Nancy Spungen. Read the book ...And I don't want to live this life... written by Nancy's mom, Debora. Sid was a saint compared to that girl.
Reply:You're asking some tough questions today. Nancy was Sid's girlfriend. That's the only one I know for a fact. The others I'd have to look up! Hopefully someone will get them all right.
Reply:Wow, I must have cut class, and been out, um, not-inhaling THAT day.

See, they TOLD me I'd regret it someday....
Reply:I am sort of still a boomer, but I am using this question for a different purpose. I am currently at 9999, and will leap over to the dark side in the click of a button, only to be left in the dirt probably sometime today. 10:28AM 3-28-06
Reply:only a cutie is hiding behind those questions , everybody knows this fact , wait and see the answers
Reply:Im a baby boomer, but boy, I sure cant answer any of these. I must of been locked in a closet. Sorry
Reply:dont know,was born in 1983,sorry
Reply:I know #5! Nancy Spungen


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