
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why do I always see a single adult shoe on the side of the road?

I can understand if they were baby or toddler's shoes, but ADULT size shoes. You never see them in pairs. And, even more baffling, how do they get there?????

Why do I always see a single adult shoe on the side of the road?
So thats where my shoe went!
Reply:Im with the others, I have wonderthat that also! Im thinking it was a jealous girlfriend or boyfriend, throwing away just one shoe, to make the other person CRAZY! Not that I would ever do that. But Im strangely missing a couple of shoes......
Reply:You make me laugh! I've often wondered that too... maybe it's because if someone steps in dog crap or something and they throw their shoe in the back of their pick-up it blow out- or just doesn't make it into the truck in the first place.
Reply:I have wondered about that, too! And it's always on the highway. Never a rural area.

I dont know. I always think the worst: that there was an accident or something.
Reply:the one over the telephone line represents gangs in that area,they throw them up there
Reply:[Insert wildly concocted story here]

I dunno man. If you saw a pair of shoes, you might stop and pick them up... so you really only see single shoes.
Reply:Must be when two people are having sex in a car while driving they sometimes throw the shoes to the side quickly and if the windows are open they will be thrown out to the street- therefore you see shoes like that on the street....


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