
Friday, March 12, 2010

What would you do if you were in King Solomon's shoes?

Regarding the two women and the baby story.

What would you do if you were in King Solomon's shoes?
King Solomon had been given wisdom from God, and he used that wisdom to determine which woman was telling the truth. He was very fair in his rulings, and I would like to think that if I had been Solomon, I would have been wise enough to make the same ruling he did.
Reply:I would run away real fast, cause then I would have a new pair of shoes! I bet they are fancy, too.
Reply:i'd just adopt the baby. I got 900 wives, one of them can take care of the baby for sure....
Reply:Your second assumption: King Solomon had shoes!

Your first assumption: there was a King Solomon

There is absolutely no archaeological evidence there was either the shoes or the King.

Of course, archaeologists have only trying, with despiration, for over 100 years of digging up Jerusalem, to find even one small piece if evidence that would indicate that old Solomon actually existed.

So far...nada. gar nichts, basta...nothing!
Reply:I would be worrying about how I got there. Do they fit? Are they smelly?

As for the story, he did what I would have done.

skin whitening

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