
Friday, March 12, 2010

What can I do to stop my baby crying when I leave the room?

I have a 11 month old daughter and I am having problems where she will not go to anyone else - even my husband. If I put her down or even walk to another part of the same room she screams and crawls after me and tries to grab my legs to get me to lift her. She wont take her last bottle from anyone but me and I just find it all so exhausting. I cannot get a single minute away from her even to go to the loo I have to take her with me. If I go out without her I have to get my shoes and jacket on in the hall and sneak out. I am at my wits end as I have two other children and obviously they need my time too. Does anyone else have this problem or overcome it? Thanks

What can I do to stop my baby crying when I leave the room?
sorry but i am pleased to read this!!!

my son is almost 9months and is acting the same it is hard but you really do need to try and ignore this and let her cry I KNOW this is not easy but my son is already crying for less time by the time i come back in the room now he has stopped and is happy playing again!!! leave for a few mins then come back etc after a while she will realize you are coming back and will feel better which should stop the tears and following

trust me i have 5 and they all went through this if it did not get better i would not have had anymore after the 1st baby!!

good luck you are not alone!!
Reply:would agree with xai and pirate_princess dont give in and if you talk to her when your not in the room she will gradually realise that u are coming back
Reply:i dont have a child of my own but i was 15 when my baby sister was born, but i do believe i was almost as close to her as a mother, she did the same thing when she couldnt see me, i couldnt take it anymore when all my friends started avoiding coming round and i could hardly ever go out without her..

eventualy i used to give her to someone else (my other sister or mom) and id walk away.. or put her in her cot with her toys and leave the room, she would scream. she did this for a little while but once she realised that i was actually never really that far away, or that i always came back after a while she stopped doing it and got used to playing with other people around her, its hard but with time it does get better. good luck..
Reply:wear ear plugs!!!

sorry that may seem a bit flippant but I'm afraid the only course of action is to ignore the crying completely and when it sinks in that this behaviour does not get a response it will stop i promise you and believe me they are more clever than you think and can manipulate mummy even at that young age

good luck
Reply:I do feel for you - I had this with my little boy at about 9 months. I sorted it with the firm but fair treatment. I just calmly told him that I was going to loo/to get a jumper/to get some socks from upstairs, and that I'd be right back. Then I just walked out of the room and shut the baby gate behind me. At first I talked to him all the while I was out of sight, then gradually stopped doing that. he screamed blue murder at first but eventually started to realise that I WOULD come back. He's fine with me leaving the room now.

It's tough, but a few days of screaming is well worth the freedom to perform your ablutions without a toddler on your lap!
Reply:some children demand greater attention because they are different. talk to you peditrician for safe alternatives. if no help ask for a referral. if you having allot of feelings tied up into this give your self adaquate breaks from the situation and place her with the alternate care-giver. share the time if possible. it may resolve itself.
Reply:this is a long and painfull proses.b4 ya walk out the room try 2 give her some thing 2 play with that makes her have 2 if shes hanging off ya all the time and beleave me i no wot its like.wot ever room se folows you in try 2 find something she can do in there ie help put the pots away or et a stoll and let her wash the pots that way ya can get dinner on and clean up.she might get wter every where but its better than having her hanging off ya give her a cloth so she can help clean things down any thing ya can think of.that way shes learning 2 do things on her own alittle at a time its very hard work and takes time cuz ya brain is none stop thinking of things 4 her 2 do but it dos work.thers something in every room in the house that she can 4 the bottle thing if she wants it she'll drink it.shes plent old enough 2 drink it her i do no what its like 2 leave a kid screaming be cause she wants you 2 do drove me mad.but ifya can sort the clingging out then maybe ya wont be so stressed out by nite time so ya fell better 2 hand it just dont do it all at once.sort the clinging thing out 1st
Reply:Hi there, all of my childrren have gone through this stage. If I left the room and they were sitting quite happily, all of a sudden they would look around the room . If they couldn't see me they would begin to cry. As soon as I came back into the room they were fine again!! This thankfully is a phase and only lasts a while, but annoying all the same. Hopefully your little one will grow out of it shortly. Good luck.
Reply:Separation Anxiety. If you're gone, you'll never come back. Imagine how that must be for the little one.

I'd try a baby carrier or sling to help you out.

This phase WILL pass! She will not always be so needy.
Reply:Just don't cave in and pick the baby up, look in and check there is no other reason for the crying, pain or similar, then carry on with what you are doing and let baby cry. It's not just exhausting for you but teaching the child that having a tantrum gets results and setting yourself up for a hard time in the future.


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