Although admirable I feel that more can be done by these stars to help all orphans in those countries to stay within there own culture, rather than a select few. It seems to me its like shopping for babys just like they would a new car.....or pair of shoes to go with an outfit.
What do you think of the celebrity Baby adoptions shopping trips?
I think it is disgusting that people with money can get whatever they want- the latest accessory, currently a child from a poor country. Take Madonna for example, she had her application rushed through because of who she was- what about people who CANT have children and are desperate to adopt - money doesnt make you a good parent. Surely if they want to help they should leave the children with their natural parents (if they have any as in madonna's case) and contribute/donate towards the local facilities and orphanages - this in my eyes is much more commendable and would be setting a good example, not taking children from everything they know to make yourself feel better.
Reply:Honestly, I think some of them just do it for the publicity. "Oh, look at us, we're helping babies in need. Aren't we wonderful?" The ones who have their publicists alert the media of their adopting intentions don't really seem to care about the babies (and it's always babies, what's wrong with adopting a toddler or a child?), but care more about their public image.
I know it's harder to adopt in America, but why not try? We have hundreds of kids who need homes here in America, why go overseas to get a kid? I'd hold a lot more respect if they tried to help out their own country before feeding their camera-greed overseas.
I know a few do it because they love kids, but with how selfish some people are, I doubt they are the majority.
Reply:The stars used to carry around those tiny little dogs, but that is SO last season. Now they like to carry little black babies.
I'm not being racist but If they really wanted to raise an orphan, why don't they chose one from the thousands in their own country. It's not fair to raise a black child with two white parents, there are cultural issues that need to be considered and are not. The child will always feel like an outsider and that's not right!
Reply:it does make you wonder
Reply:It's sick! And so is the whole celebrity culture.
Reply:Somebody like elton john could adopt, He would make a good father wouldnt he? mind you i think the money he spent on hiring a cathederal for his party, was money well spent, It must have impressed all his other greedy pathetic mates dont you think?
Reply:IM going to adopt an 18yr old girl
Reply:I think that it is giving the child a better standard of living but it may be hard for them to deal with when they grow up.
I really think it would be better to provide funding to keep these children with their own parents wherever possible so that they dont lose their family and culture.
Reply:I totally agree with what you said. It certianly is admirable, but I just feel uneasy when stars do it, especially when they can have kids on their own (I'm not saying they shouldn't adopt just because they're of child-bearing age, but it just seems weird and excessive that these stars go to all these far-out countries to adopt when they could adopt from their own country).
Helping an orphange would surely be more worthwwhile than just selecting one lucky kid who'll have to grow up in the glare of the media?
Reply:I think it's a wonderful thing and setting a fantastic example to others. Wish they did more to help though, they have the means, and that more people adopted children.
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