and was hit by a car and was killed.
A neighbors neice left her child unattended, the child crossed the street and was "knocked " out of her shoes and later died.
I feel so badly for the mom this must be devastating to her. I am going tot he funeral with the uncle on Friday. He had bought the little baby her shoes, they were there in the street
What would you say to a mother who left a 2 year old unattended?
This was here in S.C.? What do you say? All you can say is "I'm so sorry." I too feel so badly for the family, especially the mother, having experienced the pain of losing a child myself, in 1988 (my youngest) I know all too well what the mother is going through right now. I will say a prayer for the family, especially the mother. I'm glad you're going to the funeral. The family needs all the support they can get %26amp; that support will comfort them for years to come.
*jacielyn....Thank you!
Reply:That is sad. Those two year olds can sneak away fast. I feel for the family and also for the person who hit the child. I could not imagine the hell they are all going through. I would just say that you are sorry for their loss. I'm sure that most of this will be a blurr for them anyway. Funeral services for children are the hardest to attend.
Reply:That is so sad and heart breaking. Devasting ! The Mother will suffer for the rest of her life, more than likely she will end up taking her own life. Something no parent should ever experience.
Reply:It may sound hard hearted,but why isnt that mother in jail?
She is guilty of gross neglect. No 2 year old child should be left unattended. I feel bad because the child was killed,but not for the mother. I dont know what I'd say to a mother like that.
Reply:that is so saddd :( i wouldn't even know what to say to the mom...
Reply:Whew, good one.
I would just let her know you couldn't possibly know how she feels, but that you are there for her anyway she needs you.
Sometimes there is nothing to say, just the support you give could be the answer.
Good luck, I hope someone has a better solution than mine, this one isn't worth the points!
Reply:I would say... I'm so truly sorry for your loss :(
I couldn't imagine loosing a child... my heart goes out to you!
Most defiantly I wouldn't say anything negative to her bc she has already her own guilt that she will have to deal with for the rest of her life... and it wouldn't bring her little girl back anyways. My heart just goes out to her...
May God bless her %26amp; her family with true peace ♥
Reply:I would say nothing to the mother but I would be talking to the district attorney, child protection and social services.
What this person did is a crime throughout all of the fifty states of this nation and I sincerely hope that the person who did this to this child feels the full authority and power of the court.
If you do say anything to the person who did this, you might inform them that child abusers usually don't get along any too well in prison.
Reply:Theres not much to say. Realize that you cannot even begin to understand the pain that she is going through and make sure that she is aware that you and the rest of her friends/family/neighbors will be there for her.
Reply:Even though she wasn't the best mother. I'm sure she is still in an extreme amount of pain. A plain.......I'm so sorry for your loss. That's what'd say.
Reply:How awful. Just tell the mother "I am sorry for your loss."
Much more would be too much.
Reply:I would just say, " I am SO sorry! She was a precious little thing." Hold the mother's hands as you say this, or of she appears open to hugs, hold her briefly. Physical contact can be comforting/healing, if the person is not resistant to it.
If you know her well enough that she'd ever be comfortable talking to you, you could say, "Call me ANY time, if you ever need someone to talk to." (But don't say it if you don't mean it!)
Reply:unfortunantly, there isnt much you can say..she is in her own private hell right now. telling her she screwed up isnt good..telling your your sorry isnt really good either. Just give her a hug and tell her if she needs anything to call.
Reply:I am not a great believer in "she will live with this the rest of her life" bit...the child will not live for any kind of life. Very sad, indeed. Some people do not have the brains to be parents, the world seems to be filled with them lately. AT least, the child felt nothing. Better than frying in a locked car ...and that still happens all the time. WE have all done stupid things, most of us escape serious retirbution...some of us don't, and this woman is one who didn't escape. Neither did the child...nor the driver...the driver is the one I feel sorry for!...that could happen to any of us at any moment, and trust me, the driver WILL live with it the rest of their life...the mother will rationalize her actions in time...but the driver will never get over it. Goldwing
Reply:i wouldn't say anything to the mother, she has enough to worry about, plus....she knows what she did....
You can say you're sorry for her loss, but you have nothing to be sorry for, nobody should leave a child unattended.
Reply:Most people would say that it was her fault but by telling her that its going to make her feel horrible
how would you feel if you had to live with the gulit of basically killing your 2 year old?
Try comforting her in anyway possible
She must be going through hell right now and the people giving her dirty looks and talking about her doesn't help
this was a really tough question but i hope this helps you
Reply:This so sad. I am so sorry for this woman, I cannot imagine the absolute horror and grief she is going through. I would probably cry with her. Words are just not important right now.
Reply:All I know is what you said, but with cases I've known like this, the mother was on drugs. She might feel regret when she gets clean. When my daughter was little, I put cloth around the coffee table, so if she fell, she wouldn't hit her head! Doors were locked so she couldn't wander off by herself. I didn't sleep when she wasn't sleeping. Anything dangerous was on a high shelf. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I've seen a lot of cases like this. In FL, they drowned in a pool.
Reply:While it might be easy to pass judgment against an inattentive mother you have to ask yourself how quickly that could happen to most any of us??? It only takes a second. That woman is going to feel the agony of missing her child the entire rest of her life and she will suffer the guilt that MAYBE she could have prevented her child's death.
No one has the right to add to that grief.
Just be kind, tell her that you are going to keep her in your prayers and that you are sorry for her unbelievable loss.
Reply:wow, i would probably avoid talking to her at all, what could you possibly say....
Reply:"I am so sorry for your loss." I'm sure she is already in a state of hell so there is no need for anything other then comfort.
Reply:i woulld say what the hell was you thinking
Reply:Just say, "I am so sorry for your loss." And if she seems out of control or like she needs to hear it wasn't her fault, then say, "It wasn't your fault." Make sure you tell her that you are there for her, if she needs anything at all. Tell her that her that her little girl will be waiting in heaven for her. That's the hardest question I've ever tried to answer. I am sorry you have to go through this as well. My good thoughts go out to you.
Reply:Oh, I am so sorry is all you can say. This poor woman is going to feel guilty for the rest of her life. I hope she gets some kind of grief counselling. These toddlers are so quick ,it can happen to anyone. I lost my daughter in the mall ,when she was 2 1/2 and I remember how frantic I was. We tend to think our own children are smarter than others and wouldn't wander away, but they do. How very tragic!
Reply:All you can say is, 'I'm here if you need to talk'. The best thing you can do is listen. Most of us make mistakes, we just don't all have to pay for them the rest of our lives. This mom needs kindness and understanding, nothing bad anyone says will be worse that what she is thinking about herself. My prayers are with all of you.
Reply:You'll decide when you see the grieving mother and the
emotion in the room overwhelms you. The most appropriate
thing you can do for a grieving mother, wife, daughter, etc.
is to extend your hand for theirs, and tell them how deeply
sorry you are, for their loss. And if you are religious, you can
add that you will pray for them to find the peace and closure
to go forward with their life. Acceptance of such a sudden
loss, is such a difficult thing. Children are not supposed to
leave this earth, before their parents. That's the way it's
supposed to be, isn't it? And yet, all too frequently, innocent
children are taken from their parents. And it's something no
one can understand. So acceptance is slow but not the anger.
And it takes the support from both family and friends to help in this and to also provide comfort to the shock that extends into the weeks and months ahead. Being there to
support the mother is all she could ask for. Not being alone
while struggling through the horror of loss that is a living nightmare.
Reply:For NO REASON should anyone leave a 2 yearold alone. Especially one which does not belong to you.
Reply:"I am so sorry for your loss." The poor woman probably didn't do it on purpose. Yes, it's tragic, but nothing is going to bring back her child, so don't berate her. She has to live with this the rest of her life. She probably should be on suicide watch.
I'm only saying this because we just had a car accident in our town where a mothers car was hit because the stop sign was covered by tree branches. All three of her children were killed instantly and buried together. She is on suicide watch.
Just love her and let her know that she still has a friend.
Reply:sometimes it's best not to say anything; as they say "put a sock in it"; just being there says it all- a hug goes a long way especially if you cry with her
Reply:Nothing now; she will be punished for the rest of her life. So sad about the little shoes.
Reply:Say nothing to her, she doubtlessly feels guilty and will for the rest of her life.This is simply another of life's tragedies that unfortunately do happen from time to time.
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