and babies and etc
Why do women like to talk about things of trivial insignificance such as shoes?
Do you have something against women? I've read a couple of your questions and your always saying bad things about women. Why are you even in the beauty %26amp; style questions if you don't understand women. Maybe you should go where men talk and ask questions because your not going to get the best response asking the questions that you are asking.
Reply:Haleluigha sista!
you poop on yourself MT K Report It
Reply:well first of all love the answer honey. You go girl. Second of all not all women talk about shoes. In front of men we talk about it so ya'll will get the heck away from us. :)
Booo you MT K Report It
Reply:It's a female thing. You wouldn't understand unless you were gay. Now let me ask you a question. Why do men like to talk about sports?
Reply:shoes are very important
Reply:thats not always true...dont talk about them!! babies!! : ) x
Reply:First things first, how are babies of trivial insignificance? They become the future generation of adults. That's why the mothers are the head of the home in my culture.
And what makes you think every single woman likes talking about shoes? I personally like audio and video, as I work at a radio station. Did it ever occur to you that your question in and of itself is pretty ignorant?
Reply:The same reason that men want to talk about things of little significance such as football, cars etc.
Reply:Because talking about the penis rashes and bumps was already taken.....
Reply:ah my friend you have nailed it. the whole world spends most of its time dealing with the trivial. never have figured out why.
Reply:this is a dangerous question you will go insane trying to figure out a woman... just leave it be is what i say.
Reply:Women talk about womanly things. But you love us for it. You can't live without us!
Reply:People act all shocked when we talk about getting our pussyfucked.
Reply:I know. The poor wee things. There are only a few thought patterns going through their heads, mainly shoes, handbags, babies and chocolate. The only things they worry about is that of the relative sizes of their boobs, nose and bum.
Other than that, there is nothing else between their ears, poor dears. Men are naturally more intelligent (It is not hard) If anyone is in doubt about this statement, go to this site, Nuff said!
Reply:My question exactly! Thank you. I wish the women in the office where I work talked about something a bit meaningful. I guess majority of women have nothing else on their minds. As I'm writing this, they are talking about how important it is to get rid of a spot on the face because you can't help it but look at the spot on another person so other people must be looking at these girls' spots so they've got to do important, what a colourful, riveting life!!! yawn... I hope they are not gonna start on the regular topic of push chairs...
Reply:i guess for the same reason men talk about things of trivial insignificance such as the size of their new saw blade and boobs and stuff
Reply:I talk about crafty things like sewing, knitting, etc, baking and cooking. Then I talk about video games.
I hate kids, babies are the worst, they smell and they hurt my ears...and I hate shopping. Guess I'm just special...
I see I pissed off the eyes of someone high maintenance...Thanks for the thumbs down.
Reply:For the same reason that guys talk about sports, or beer or fishing (all insignificant) or whatever they may be into. Its just a hobby!
Reply:It's just something that interests us, you know things like shoes, purses, and clothes. Just like men would find a conversation about sports, beer, or women interesting.
Reply:we talk about men too.......o wait men are insignificant also
Reply:Because it drowns out the sound of the drivel men discuss, like LCD televisions and mountain bikes.
Reply:The same reason why when the hood of a car goes up, all the men in the vacinity come rushing to find out how they can help. I mean honestly, how many men does it take to change an oil filter...I've counted at least six.
Reply:It's just the same when guys talk about video games.
Reply:same reason men talk about football and beer
Reply:Women can never have too many pairs of shoes! Most men talk about things "of trivial insignificance", don't they? Cars, tools, football, video games, etc
Reply:For the same reason guys do...they just go beyond and talk about women's boobs and body size what they'd like to do with one walking passed them
Reply:because they're women...'nuff said...
Reply:why do men talk about trivial insignificant things such as sports, stock prices, etc.???
Reply:I'm a woman and I don't talk about shes or babies I rarely wear makeup and shopping sickens me.
Reply:its a cover up, we only talk about shoes etc in front of men. you should hear what we talk about when men are out of earshot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
books title c
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