On a daily basis I'm wearing jeans ans a tee, my daughter is wearing a cute matching outfit with a hair ribbon or matching sun hat, cute shoes etc. Am I alone in this or do other new moms feel this way too? Just a fun question =)
Who dresses better? You or your baby?
Good question!
My son got lots of matching stuff from his grans, including 2 sets of football outfit... lol
Me, I'm in jeans and collared sweaters... %26lt;wink%26gt;%26lt;wink%26gt;
Reply:hahaha, I LOVE this question... I joke about it all the time. Definitely my 6 month old son dresses WAY better than me! I am still struggling to fit into my old clothes, so I have jeans and t shirts for the most part. and my son is ALWAYS lookin fresh as can be! :)
Reply:Def. my 2 girls ! They look so freaken Cute !!
Reply:My kids. I think it's a sign of a good parent ;). My mother always dressed me and my sister better too. My husband will send me out with money to spend on myself and I end up buying my kids clothes....I can't help myself :D
Reply:Baby, Why because they are worth spending the money on. If my baby looks cute so do I, regardless what I have on.
Reply:I dont go out much and on d few occasions when I do and even when at home, i like to dress very cutely and wear cute and matching dresses for my baby too. It gives me a sense of happiness and wellbeing looking good and seeing my baby looking so cute too.
Reply:Yep, my daughter always is dressed better than I am. Of course, my mom loves buying for my daughter but one day she said that I needed to match my daughter and so she took me shopping and got me some new clothes.
Reply:def! my daughter is only 3 weeks and im just getting in the hang of juggling everything. I'm a stay a home mom so im still running around in pj pants and a T!!
Reply:I hear ya! My 7 month old little girl is dressed so cute and stylish everyday. I'm wearing sweats, jeans, old t-shirts, and hair in a ponytail.
It's so bad that when I do wear my hair down and get dressed up for some reason, she looks at me funny for a couple of seconds. :)
Reply:hahahahah .... my kids do. who has time to pamper themselfs with a newborn lol.
Reply:My son will get much more apparence attention then I give myself. I am a comfy dresser, I wont wear anything thats not comfortable, and I dont spend a lot of time getting ready, but I cant wait to dress my son up in the cutest matching stuff all the time!!!!
Reply:My daughter does, hands down. She is super cute. When I am home with her I even change her multiple times a day...
Plus, I don't feel guilty for buying her clothes like I do when I go shopping for myself. I think I spend more money on her organic food in a week than I do in a month on clothes for me.
I wouldn't have it any other way!
Reply:No ur not alone...I just put anythin thats easy and my daughter is always dressed to impress...she alwys looks cute, clean and pretty and its the way it should be...my needs come 2nd i hate it wen ppl that put themselves 1st before their children
Reply:My daughter totally dresses better. For her clothes just for this spring I've probably spent in excess of $1000. I'm totally addicted to baby clothes. She's 8 and a half months old and her wardrobe probably doubles my husband and mine combined. This past fall she had a different outfit with matching accessories for almost all of them, and enough outfits that she literally wore things once. My grandmother buys her tons and so do I, between the two of us we could dress 5 little girls. But I am good about helping people out. At the end of the season or whenever she switches sizes I go through all her stuff and pick out about half of it that I just can't part with either because of the price or just how adorable it was. Then I give the rest to young moms in my area that I know have daughters about that age, or give it to good will. But yeah she totally dresses better!
Reply:Definitely my daughter! You have an army of moms with you in jeans and tees (or sweats and tees) lol.
Reply:After buying clothes for my four kids I am lucky to have any money left for anything for myself. I haven't got any new clothing for a long time now!!!
Reply:my children of course
Reply:Well my lil boy is only 2 months old but we both have our 'dress up' days where I'll wear a cute, nicer outfit and I'll dress him in a lil button down, jeans and booties then other days (like today, its raining out and feels like a lazy day) i'll just throw on my sweats and put him a sleeper! We like to coordinate!
Reply:my kids! My daughter always matches and has her hair done. My son always looks so "preppy" and his hair done as well then imusaually in my scrubs (work clothes) or jeans and a shirt.
Reply:Im not a new mom. Going on four years and she still looks better than me!!! Lol. I guess its all a part of being a mom. They come first! After all of our effort goes into dressing them, all we really have time or effort for is jeans and a t!
Reply:My daughter always looks good, its so much more fun to shop for her lol
Reply:Definitely my kids, 99% of the time.
Reply:My little girl dresses way better than I do.
Reply:Baby does, hands down!
I live in my yoga pants when I am not working, yet my son always looks SO great. lol
Reply:I am lucky if I get out of my Wal-mart sweats and get a shower every day. My kids are dapper with the latest fashion from the best department and mall stores. $15 on Spiderman shoes for my toddler is fine, but I have to go to the Easy Sprit clearance sale to get $10 dress pumps. Oh the things us mothers do!
Reply:definately my kids, i too am a jeans and tee shirt person but i love to shop for the kids and buy them cute little clothes and things to wear.
Reply:I always make sure that my kids look better than i do. It just that people usually notice your kids more than they notice you, and if you look all nice and your kids look like crap, then they assume that you dont give 2 sh**s about your children. I always make sure that my 5year olds hair looks good, her outfit is clean and matches and her face and hands are clean. With my 14month old, i make sure he has a nice pair of jeans on with a collared shirt, or another matching nice outfit, his hair is combed and his face and hands are clean also. With me, as long as i dont have boogers or food stains on my shirt, and my hair isnt all over the place, im good to go!
Reply:right now neither. LOL my son is 5 weeks and its much easier to keep him in a sleeper then dress him up. I myself have even a hard time getting up in the mornings let alone dress myself up all cute. I'm sure when he's awake during the days then I'll start dressing him in his adorable outfits.
Reply:My baby is not out yet but I already know that when he comes out, he will dress better than me!!!! Can't wait!
Reply:im a girly jeans and t-shirt type of girl if that makes sence, but i make my son match.
my husband thinks its funny.
so my son definitly dresses better.
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