i am trying to get my daughter to wear glasses, but its very difficult as she hates hats, socks, shoes anything near her face. i would be interested in anything you could suggest to help. I have made a toy box for her with toys in it that she can only play with when wearing her glasses she is coming around to the idea, but any comments or suggestions from you would be grately appreciated.
How do you get a 15 month baby to wear glasses?
when i was that age my mum had to tie elastic to each of the legs to keep them on me and keep using that toy box sorry hon u just have to persevere and to all the people who think 15 months is too young for prescription glasses its not i had to wear them at that age because of a serious sight problem that i still have and i still have to wear glasses to be able to see so stop bieng ignorant ok
Reply:My daughter had to wear them from about two and a half years old. It took a lot of firmness for the first few weeks, but once she realised she could see Barney (ICK!!!) without having her nose pressed to the telly, she understood they were good for her, and within another week or two, she was even sleeping in them!
The problem now is to get them off - she no longer needs to wear them all the time, as she has done really well over the past ten years, between the glasses and patching, her eyesight is almost fully normal now, so persistence is key! Good luck!
Reply:Sometimes it's difficult for children to understand why they have to wear glasses when most of their friends don't. Here's how to help keep those glasses where they belong ' on your child's face!
STEP 1: Do your best to help your child understand why she needs to wear glasses; even some toddlers can understand when you explain that the glasses will help them see better. STEP 2: Let your child help to choose her own frames by offering a selection of frames within your price range. Children won't wear glasses they hate. STEP 3: Avoid buying glasses for your child to grow into ' these will be uncomfortable, as well as less effective than glasses that fit properly. STEP 4: Resort to bribery if necessary. Offer pretty stickers as an incentive to wear glasses, or as a reward for keeping them on for a certain amount of time. STEP 5: Make it clear to your child that certain activities require glasses: If your toddler or preschooler brings you a book, insist that she put her glasses on before you read it. STEP 6: Find some stories or picture books that show children wearing glasses or that deal with the issue of getting glasses. STEP 7: Try to avoid conflicts and battles of will; if your toddler takes her glasses off after half an hour, wait for a while before putting them back on her. STEP 8: Clean the lenses regularly ' your child is more likely to keep them on if she can actually see through them. Show her how to clean them herself if she's old enough. Tips %26amp; Warnings
If possible, get polycarbonate lenses ' they are scratch-resistant and durable.
If you don't wear glasses regularly, consider getting some empty frames to wear around your child, just to show that you will willingly wear glasses too.
If redness or sore patches appear on your child's nose or temples, take the glasses in for readjustment.
If you need to bribe your child to keep her glasses on, don't use food. This could lead to food-related emotional issues later in life.
Don't forget to check screws and other fittings regularly to make sure the glasses don't fall apart.
Reply:Why are people doubting a child this young can need glasses? Sight defects can be detected very early and an accurate eye test does not rely on the paitent being able to read!
The should have ear loops and a strap to help them stay on but I think you have to ensure your daughter knows they are here to stay and something fun. Don't push them to much, let her wear them and if she takes them off put them away for a bit and try again so she realises she isn't getting away without wearing them but your not going to push the issue to the point its distressing for everyone.
Good luck and you'll need lots of perserverance!
Reply:show her that they are cool..why don't you buy a pair of glasses..for yourself and wear them until she gets used to her own. The french buy them as a fashion icon..hell they even sell them in machines out there like vending machines in a way!..Just a thought..;)
Reply:If I were you, I'd play a game with my toddler. Immediately when she takes them off --and wants your attention, say to her...
"I can't Ssee you! Where are you? Where's your glasses? If you don't wear your glasses (insert nickname) then I can't see you !!" (pretend you can't see her) Make a game of it, and stumble on them if he isn't. holding them and pass them to him and say "Where are you?."
Have a piece of her favorite toy in your hand but out-of-reach, and
whatever you do, don't reward her with it until you can miraculously
see her after she puts her glasses ON.
Reply:Put them on her before she wakes up? Hopefully, she'll not notice that they are there for a while and you will get extra wear out of them :)
Reply:I don't really think at that age they really need to wear glasses..?
O.o...But I would say try to ask where you got the glasses from to get a strap or something so that it can go behind the head. That way she can't really take them off...But as a parent. I know there is a way that she can regardless. lol..
The best thing I would say is just keep trying until she gets use to the idea of wearing them..But like most toddlers they really can't get use to that idea.
I really didn't know that they gave glasses out to toddlers because there eye site is still devoloping until they got older. Like around kindergarden, But anyway I would talk to the ppl you got the glasses from and see if they have something to help her keep them on her face. (At least for a little while)
Reply:if these are prescription glasses. they should have come with a strap that goes around her head and fits nice and snug to keep her from taking them off. ask your childs eye doctor for one if not
Reply:get the glasses with the elastics going around them. when she tries to take them off. be stern and tell her no, she needs to keep them on.
Reply:Maybe put elastic round the back of her head joined on to the arms of the glasses so she can't pull them off as easily?
Reply:why are you getting your child to wear glasses in the first place? i'm not trying to be cheeky but why would she need them at 15 months? if she does not need them then don't force her....how would you like some one to come up to you and put bluetak on your forehead?
Reply:Duct Tape.
Reply:i found the best way to get children to wear glasses is by nailing them on.
Reply:Bribe her with treats like chocolate,,,
Reply:You have got to be kidding?!!!
Why does a baby need to wear glasses in the first place? They wouldn't be perscription as she/he is too young for real glasses.
A young child wont wear them. My nephew is 3 and won't wear a hat or sunglasses. It's just not practical anyway.
If you are trying to get them to wear shades for fashions sake you really ought to get a grip and realise that kids are not a fashion accessory. Grow up!
Reply:ive never known a child that young to wear glasses, how were her eyes tested? as she surley cant read yet???
Reply:Short of superglueing them to her face, id say you're in for a fun time. Bribe her like you are doing is the only way i suppose and hopefully she'll just get used to them in time.
Hotel Silvota
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