We do seek the advise from Dr. and specialist as well, They do give me "Zero" answer. I do asking why he can't walk as stable? The Dr. say it can be giving the support shoes after he growth up to 3 year old. At the mean time we can't do anything.......... Is it the early we notice the problem we can get to recover it faster?
Please, ideal from my friends, we need help.
I'm have 16 months year old baby boy, the way he stand and walk are not stable, any ideal please?
Just give him lots of opportunity to walk on different types of surfaces. It will come with experience, don't worry.
Reply:my youngest son is also 16mnths old and he only just started walking last week. all in his own time dun rush him he will get better with practice
Reply:Although he is reaching this milestone at a slow pace, he is not far behind, I have known of babies who have just started walking at that age. He just needs practice and with practice he will further develop his gross motor skills and in turn he will walk in a more stable fashion.
Reply:most doctors won't concider it a problem till 18 months.
just keep letting him practice walking, both mine walked before 13 months but my sisters has a baby who is almost 15 months and has no interest in walking at all.
they all develope differently. just listen to what the doc. tell you.
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