I want a third child so bad. I have no rhyme or reason. It's just in my heart. I have two healthy children. A daughter and a son. My husband and I have a great marriage. Everything is great. But I still feel some part of "us" is missing. So we've come to our first really big obstacle. I want this and he doesn't. Things are great until this comes up. We've been fighting about this for over a year now. He just hates the idea. He's perfectly happy how things are.. and so am I... I just feel that there is something missing. (I don't really know how else to explain it). So after all of this fighting about this, back in December, he gives me this really awesome Christmas gift. I open it up and it's a little pair of little baby shoes and a little baby shirt. Gave me a big speech about how he's in this with me. So we tried and didn't get pregnant...and then he changes his mind. So he asks for more time. So we agree we'd start trying in may and now he's backing out again. What do i do?
What do I do!? Need advice!?
First I would ask ur self is this void really a baby? Are you sure? I truly beleave in my heart if things are ment to be then they are. You have two beautiful children and a loving husband. You have the perfect idea and dream of an american family it sounds like. You really need to think about weather or not this third child ur thinking about is really really what u want. And if its what u want now. Whats the big rush? It sounds like this is already taking a toll on ur relationship with ur husband. Is it worth possibly sacraficing ur relationship if he is really aposed to it? Because if he really is its not likely his feeling will change. I say lay off the subject of a while May is right around the corner. All this stress is likely effecting ur fertility also. You need to really think hard on this one and if its really really really what u want and for the right reasons then talk with ur husband calmly with maybe a nice glass of wine about why he may be aposed. And if and how this can be fixed. Best of luck.
Reply:sounds like you need to do some old fashion soul searching like why do you feel the need to have a big family no child should be born to fill a void its sounds like you and your husband are wonderful people who are smart in thinking things thru together let natuer take its course if its meant to be it will happen good luck in what ever you choose to do
Reply:I think he's trying to make you happy but he really doesn't want it. I'm sorry to say. And if both of you aren't in it's not really fair.
Reply:The same thing happen to my best friend and her husband. she had 2 kids (a boy and girl) but she wanted another baby so bad. She would talk about it everyday at work. Her husband did not want another baby. Well after she did some talking to him he said ok we will try and 3 months later he said that he did not think he wanted to keep tring. 3 months later she was pregnant. he was alittle upset at first. He thought she went behind his back and stopped taking her pill which she said she did not but i think she did because she wanted it so bad. All in all the idea of another baby grow on him and he was happy but i'm not saying to go behind his back. talk more about ask him why he does not want another baby? Ask him why he is ok with it 1 min and then he is not? I wish you the best of luck. I know what it feels like to want another child.
Reply:if he doesn't want another child then DO NOT DO IT. This will probably mess you guys' relationship up badly. Give him time. Maybe he's not ready for another child right now. But if you think it's right, talk to him about your feelings.
Good Luck
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