A Six-Word story is simply that; a story of 6 word,s no more no less.
The idea came from Hemmingway, when he wrote, "For sale, baby shoes. Never used." He is said to have called it his finest work.
So basically you can be funny, express a deep moral, make sociopolitical insight, or even just describe a scene--but you have to use exactly 6 words.
Examples can be found here:
Here are some of mine too:
1) Even superheroes need to grieve sometimes.
2) From space, the world looks peaceful.
3) Epitaph: "No, no! The OTHER right!"
4) Earth goes on strike; feels abused.
I'll judge the winner based on what I think is best. Have fun!
Contest, woo! Who can write the best 6-Word Story?
Choosing his life saved my own.
Reply:Hello mother in law (exit maddog!)
Ha! From there you can't hit ..........
Reply:I have nothing left to say.
Reply:Every day is exactly the same
i know it's a NIN song... but it kinda sums up my life! : )
Reply:Fine paws make life's work bearable.
Sunny circles, glow around golden rings.
Many laugh lines equals mouth amused.
Reply:"I love to cruise.... on mouse control!"
Reply:Things I would like to be said in my funeral:
Reply:One last look before I left
Reply:cat toy got lost, i cry
Reply:"he came,he saw, he conquered". boy meets girl,boy loses girl. famous last words:this is fun! kissed the girls,made them cry.
Reply:The feathered turkey gobbled rather incoherently
Reply:She said no. He said goodbye.
Often I thought, may be not.
Go plant, weed, harvest and feast.
The truth is out there. Go.
Times up. Bell rings. Students flee.
or the famous "I came, I saw, I conquered."
Reply:I really like egg salad sandwiches.
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