
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is my baby slow in her development?

my daughter doesnt sign. she doesnt know colors or numbers, she cant sign that she wants certain things. she cant put her own shoes or clothes on i heard someoen say there child could put on shoes and a hat at eleven months.

what she can do is, stand while holding on to the couch take a step or two from the couch to mommy or daddy, she drinks out of her sippy on her own says mama dada, dog, nice, hi, and tries to say boo. she can stand for a few seconds but that is about it. is there something wrong with her i feel like the way everyone talks she is developing alot slower and i am very worried

Is my baby slow in her development?
How old is the child in question??? I think you might be expecting too much from her. A child wont know numbers or colours till the are at least 3. As for dressing her self just a little encouragement is all she needs this is usually done by age 4. Words can come as early as 9 months but more common in babies over 1 year old and sentences are closer to 2 years of age. Walking happens anywhere between 1 year and 1 and half years.

Encourage your daughter put don't force the issues that will send her backwards all children develope differently and at different stages.

From what you have said that your daughter is doing if she is less than 18 months old she is doing just fine and I wouldn't worry about anything.

Some parents push their kids too hard just enjoy your baby while she is a baby believe me they grow up way too fast!!!
Reply:Sounds like she is doing fabulous. My daughter was at about the same level at that age. Only with fewer words!
Reply:well it would help if we knew how old she was? perhaps call your pediatrician..
Reply:she sounds fine to me. honestly i don't know many 11month olds taht can put their own shoes on.

each child is different.
Reply:she's fine. I've never known a one year old who could put on shoes or knew colors and numbers.
Reply:From what you have said i think she seems advanced!!

my sons one definately cannot dress himself. does not say anything but dad. does not know colours or numbers.

She is doing great!!!

If your still concerned check out what other babies her age are doing or see the doc.

There will be things she can do that other babies cant and vice versa.
Reply:You didn't say how old she is. From what you've described, she could be anywhere from 8 to 18 months and still be in the "typical" or average range.

Ok, I just saw she's not even a year yet. She's fine.
Reply:wow don't worry. Your child is perfectly fine. she isn't even a year we don't work on colors or numbers until they are toddlers and they usually don't pick them up until about 20 months. she is fine that she is using a sippy and saying a few words. Actually saying a few words before one is a bit advanced. All kids develop at their own pace so don't worry about it she will do everything in her time. At daycare they learn things a bit earlier but many kids that aren't in daycare will be 3 or 4 and not know colors or shapes. so don't worry about that stuff enjoy her being a baby because these days are soon to be gone.

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