
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do you know who wrote this short story?

"For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never worn." Thats not the title, thats the story. I dunno, kinda made me stop to think :)

Do you know who wrote this short story?
The one of 6 words? Ernest Hemingway

It is by none other than Earnest Hemingway who once wrote what is the shortest story that is so far most well-known.

The story contained just SIX words. He has chosen the right words %26amp; left the rest to the imagination of the readers.

Here is his shortest Short Story: ' Baby shes: for sale, never worn'.

Some called it the 'sickest 6-word Short Story' %26amp; some considered it 'a Literary Gem'..

Other Literary Luminaries of the day, tried their hand.

Here is the Shortest 2-word Short Story: 'Still Married'!

Do you want to see a coupla 6-word short stories (Quoted %26amp; not my own):

1. I loved; I lost; I'm sorry.'

2.He was home. He was lost.'

I don't see any Title to these stories. Do they need one?

Hope this is of interet to all here.

Source: ( just for authenticity of the answer)

Reply:Hemingway. He bet someone he could write a short story in 6 words, and that was it.

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