
Sunday, October 11, 2009

How'd you tell your parents or In Laws?

Hey! How did you and your spouse tell your parents that you were expecting a baby?

A couple I know bought her mom a pair of baby shoes and gave them to her on Valentines Day..anyone else have any cute ideas for telling loved ones you're expecting?

How'd you tell your parents or In Laws?
My husband and I broke the news to my mom by in viting her over for dinner. Everything was planned to a T....all the food was baby. Baby back ribs, baby corn, baby potatoes. When my mom commented on " WoW everything is baby, how cute" We said.." It's our theme for the evening grandma:" She was thrilled and we all got to enjoy a wonderful dinner while talking about the upcoming arrival.
Reply:Congrats on the little one. Your parents and in laws will be happy no matter how you tell them.
Reply:We are aboujt to let our in laws know and my parents, we bought picture frames for both sides of the family, and in the picture frame you can put 6 pictures in it all together, and what it is that threw your pregnancy when you go get your tummy xrayed you cvan take that picture and put into the frame. So my wife is 3 months PG, so we are about to take them out to eat, and there give them picture frames with the first picture of 3 months in each frame
Reply:When I told my parents and my ex in laws that we were expecting a bundle of joy.I took the ultrasound photo's and i put them on the kitchen table and waited for them to notice the photo and waited for the questions to come flying at me (IE: when are you do?) questions like that
Reply:My cousin wrote a cute poem about a baby and at the end said something about like.."Congrades, you're gonna be a grandma" Or something like that.
Reply:Send them a card from the baby telling them I'll see you in -what ever month the baby is due-. If you have a family gathering coming up wear a shirt that says mommy or baby on board or somthing along that line on it. They'll catch on. I just told my mom straight up well actually she guessed it first. His mom came to visit him while I was at work when I had left baby stuff lying around on the table. She knew first and had to hold her tounge for a while.
Reply:Invite them to dinner or have dinner at their house and eat like a pig and tell them how hard it is to eat for two.

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