I do, the Mets are back baby. Took the day night double header, jumping out to an early lead against the Phillies in the third game. The Mets are going to run away with it again after the break, I can feel it!!
Do you think the rest of the NL East should be shaking in their shoes?
The Nationals sure aren't. Superstars like Matt Chico and Nook Logan are going to lead the Nats to a World Series Championship!
I can't even begin to measure the lack of talent on the Nationals.
Reply:I think the only reason they would be shaking in their shoes is, they all stink. Every team in the NL east stinks.
Reply:Wow, a barely above average team playing in the WEAKEST division in the majors...
Soooooooooo impressive...
Reply:HA! no way, braves are on the mets' heels and philly and florida aren't totally out of the picture yet. although the braves have a better shot, the marlins or the phillies could act as spoilers before it's all said and done with.
Reply:NL East is the most competitive division. The Braves will resume their reign by the end of the season
Reply:of course they are...all these trolls on here are just pissed that their team is terrible...METS ALL THE WAY!
Reply:you know it lol YEP!!!!
Reply:Hell no. The Braves are on fire and right behind the Mets. Don't get too cocky. We will see who is shaking come August and September.
Reply:have you forgotten your playing the phillies their pitching suck. the mets are the team to beat in the N.L. east thou.
Reply:what goes up must come down they wont stay hot they didnt before and theres still a lot of season to go. sorry buddy
Reply:It doesnt matter what there record is going to be they are not going to win the world series.
Reply:It's amazing to see some of these responses. Just because the Mets got into a slump and fell to just 6 games over .500 doesn't mean they're an average team. Every team has a swoon. Their major concern before the season, the rotation, has been one of their best assets this year. They won't win 97 games, I don't think, but they will win the division. The Braves are improved, but they don't have enough. Neither do the Phillies. Watch out for Florida...not this year, but sometime in the near future.
Reply:You can't be serious, the Mets have shaky starters, does anyone really consider John Maine an ace? Carlos Delgado is one of the absolute worst firstbasemen in all of baseball. Davit Wright is overrated. Not to mention no one in the outfield scares anyone Beltran hits for 5 weeks a year. The Mets have more jokes than Dane Cook and Wil Ferrell combined.
dance steps
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