
Friday, March 12, 2010

Before the romantic notion hit you to have a baby...did you think?

Did you think of the costs to the Environment, which we all bear the buden of? Did you think of the long term needs of a child? Like, health insurance, dental insurance, education expenses...etc, not just diapers, clothes and shoes? Did you think about anything past the right now and what you wanted? Does any child deserve to be brought into a life of uncertainty and lack of anything he needs to thrive and survive properly?

Before the romantic notion hit you to have a baby...did you think?
thats why me and my husband won't have kids for a while, i want them to go to private school and have everything they need to have a great life
Reply:I have twin Boys and my husband and I did think about ALL OF IT. We made sure that he was in a stable job and that we had all the financial means for me to be a stay at home mom for as long as needed.

We have a great savings acct. as a cushion in case of an emergency.

People also need to plan for more unexpected... my Boys had 2 surgeries EACH this past winter. Health insurance covered a lot but we still have a 20% co-insurance.

We are lucky that we did plan and that we are able to pay all these bills without effecting us financially. We are just not able to save as much right now.

BTW we planned on having one... twins were a suprise.

Regardless of the circumstances in which a child is brought into the world, a child is a miracle! Even parents who didn't "plan" can still be amazing parents and it doesn't make them any worse then me. Money or no money, doesn't matter much. Love it what matters.
Reply:Just go out and offer on the spot abortions.I think you will have a real talent for it.
Reply:I thought it all out carefully, and I still am choosing to bring a child into this world. Yes it's a scary prospect but there is a better chance my child will be more useful to the world than a burden to it.
Reply:Yes, when we found out that my wife was pregnant, we planned all of that out as best we could.

Unfortunately not all plans work out as expected.

I wound up paying child support for 14 years, after she divorced me to marry her boss.
Reply:Maybe you are right. No one should have any children. So in 80 or so years, the earth's population of humans will be 0, or getting very close to it.

Great idea.

Remember this one thing, once a society stops growing, it starts to die. If just the people in the US stopped having children, or have them below replacement rate, then other people will move in.

You have your opinions, and other people, and I, have their own. I am sure that no matter what arguments you hear for having children, you will walk away and condemn everyone who does. Just as, no matter what arguments you use, I will keep my belief that we should have children. (I have two, by the way.)

I could give you many, many more reasons to have children. I am sure you could give me many reasons not to have children as well. The nice thing about the United States is that we can disagree.
Reply:Why do you think I waited?

Before the romantic notion hit to have sex, did you consider all these things and take the necessary precautions?
Reply:Most of the children in the world are born into uncertainty.

I don't think that 'deserving' has anything to do with it.
Reply:did you also think that it is life time commitment. I always have said that you are a mother from their

cradle to your grave.A child is GOD's gift.

peeling skin sunburn

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