
Sunday, October 11, 2009

The test was positive...I am what?

Hi guys. I have been reading here for a while and guess I finally share my news. I had my possitive (First Response) test this morning and...well I am happy but now have all kinds of questions.

I am married, and want to go buy baby shoes and tell my hubby over dinner about the happy news. He has been asking and I kept quiet because we had a negative test last week. I guess it was too early. Babycenters calender said I am 5 weeks. Wow. I guess they count the last day of my period.

Well i was hoping some of you have some websites that I need to see, books I need to read and some advice on what's ahead. I have a few belly cramps and tender breasts so far but that's it.

I still go to the gym and eat healthy...I have been taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid for the past three months.

I look forward to hearing from you and what you think is essential now that I found out the news.

Oh, and I will go schedule and appointment with the doc tomorrow. (guess this is the most important one)

The test was positive...I am what?
Ive really like the What To Expect When Youre Expecting book, while it cover a lot of things that dont pertain to me ie late in life babies, multiples etc its answered a ton of my questions and been a great reference for me. Ive also found that sometimes I'll read something in there and then be able to better communicate with my ob about whats going on. Other than that be sure to start making lists, for me the forgetfulness kicked in quickly. Keep working out, although somethings will have to be modified, and eating healthy, relax and enjoy the next nine months. Be sure to take some time just for yourself and your husband also, soon it alone time will be harder to find. Oh, also check out and both will send you weekly emails regarding your babies growth and your pregnancy. I opened a separate email account for the baby and have all baby related things sent there. The weekly updates, sales from baby store websites, registry information, confirmation emails from anything I buy...having the separate account is a great way to keep it all in one place and out of your junk box!
Reply:Congratulations! That's so exciting. Good luck with everything. I have a question for you soon did you get sore breasts? My boobs have hurt so bad since the 10th of January and my last period started Dec 24th and I wonder if I'm pregnant. I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow but I've never had sore boobs like this.
Reply:Great!!!!!!!! Congratulations my get yourself to the doc and find out how far along you are...for real...

Don't go out and buy anything for the baby just's bad luck...

Research the topic over the internet and in the library...oh there is soooooooooo much to say and to tell you...

I am happy for you if this is what you wishes...
Reply:get the book your pregnancy week by week

and everyone including the doc will count from the first day of you last period, so you are 2 weeks pregnant before you're pregnant..this is the menstural age. the baby is 2 weeks younger so when you are five wees the baby is about three weeks..that is the gestational (or actual) age.

you will likely get seen by a doc when you are 6-8 weeks so give them the last day you started you period and they will figure out when to see you.


babycenter is pretty good.
Reply:1. Tell hubby

2. Call your doctor (gyno) and make an appt to come in for a check up.

3. Some great websites:

4. Good Books: What to Expect When Your Expecting

5.Don't work out too hard yet. Wait to hear what the doc says. I would say light cardio and light weights (no running or over exerting yourself)

Reply:Sounds like you have got it all under control! I personally have not read any books. Each week I just go and look at and read all the websites about what the baby is going through. I never read anything with my son either..... guess that's just me!
Reply:Aww...Congratulations hon! =) i bet your hubby will be thrilled! =)

this is a great website from the author of what to expect when youre expecting

This is the book itself:

=) Congrats sweetie!
Reply:congratulations first of all! the best book for pregnancy in my opinion is what to expect when your expecting, it will tell you exactly whats going on with u and your baby every week. it will answer just about every question you will have(they also have one for the 1st year) that book was like my bible when i was pregnant, and i think the baby shoes is a great idea!!

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