I hate my boss. She is very rude and conescending when she talks to people, including myself. I am a very responsible and hard working employee, but she doesn't utilize any of my strengths (tries to do everything herself). The outcome is I am bored and not challenged and I actually liked my job when I had a different boss leading me. I've tried to talk to her but she is too full of herself and doesn't listen, just interrupts. I work for a large bank and could get another position within the bank, but I like my job and would prefer to move to a higher paying financial institution, in my same field. Here's the ticker....I'm pregnant and need to stay with the company in order to receive disability benefits during my maternity leave. In order to qualify for this you need to be on the job for one year. So my question is, do I post for something else in the bank until I have the baby or do I suck it up and stay until I can make the transition after the baby comes?
Would you stay at your job if you were in my shoes?
Have you tried letting your boss' boss know? Like, who is her manager? What about HR?
If it were me, I'd stay because when you go to another place, how will you explain why you left that field if you do in fact like it? Plus, be sure to remain positive because you don't want to burn any bridges...what if you don't find something else while you're on leave? You will want to ensure you have a job to come back to.
Reply:suck up, stay and wait until after the baby to make your move, you have much to do and plan for in the upcoming weeks, you have enough to concentrate on now, March seems so far away, but just count the weeks, there aren't really that many, good luck with your baby, hope all goes well!!
Reply:I would stay were you're at for now. You need the benefits, you are going to have your hands full with a new baby,in six months the hole world could change. Your boss could be gone. Your hormone will be crazy and your out look on life will
be completely different. P.S. congratulations
Reply:get something else in the bank you don't need the stress
Reply:Why don't you post and just go for the interviews to see if the position interests you? Now, by doing that- will that intensify the poor relationship with your current boss? Definitely stay with the company so you won't lose your benefits. Banking is a customer service industry. Hang in there- eventually something is going to happen to your rude boss, especially if she's rude to customers/ clients. What goes around, comes around. Good luck.
Reply:What size shoe do you take
Reply:Well since you will like being able to take maternity leave I would stick it out. My boss is also very rude and I am looking for something else. He actually picked on my weight and looks the other day. I am not fat and I think he was just trying to undermine me.
Stick it out so you don't lose the time off with your baby and after that I would look for another job or transfer. That time with your baby will make you happy.
You need to be happy and satisfied with your job/boss is what it comes down to and having a boss like her that you cannot talk to is not the right job.
Take care of yourself.
Reply:I'm speaking from personal experience here...in fact, I think I got pregnant the second time around faster than I would have normally because I hated my boss so much!
I would suck it up until the baby is born...then use your maternity leave to interview for new jobs. It's a great time to do it because you don't have to worry about people asking where you are at work, and at the same time, while you are on maternity leave, they may offer you a different job in your same bank. March really isn't that far away.
It's hard to start a new job (even within your same bank) while pregnant because you may start to feel tired and not be giving your best...and they won't appreciate what you can really do.
In my case, I ended up getting a whole new job while on leave and it was so nice to be able to just call up and resign from the old one!!
Good luck!
Reply:March is a long way off, I would try to get placed in another position within the bank. Then after, when you are ready to return to work, look for a position in another financial institution. The pregnancy is probably affecting your patience as well, try to keep your cool! Good Luck!
Reply:Well, I totally feel you. I, myself am in a similar position. I hate my job and though my boss is a nice person she's not a very good manager. I don't have much choice of finding another position here until I get my degree and if I were to find another job outside my company they may not pay for my school, be as flexible about leaving a little early for school, etc. If you can keep your insurance/benefits moving to another position in the bank, which you should be able to, then I would go for it unless you think you would be just as unhappy. Also, I don't know about banks but some companies you get benefits as of the day you start (mine does this anyway) so you could look around at other jobs and inquire about benefits at interviews, it doesn't hurt to see what your options are. As for me I am pretty much stuck in this rut until I finish school, which is years away since I can only take so many classes.......because of this job--which is also paying for my classes but stressing me at the same time. Good luck!
Reply:i'm a size 9 1/2 i would stay at my job if the shoe fits.
Reply:i would stick it out for now ... if you post for something else then she may make life even harder for you ! hang in there do not let her bring you down you have BETTER things to look forward to your bub just keep thinking of that .. get what you need from them benifits etc then move on after that or post another position for if and when you come back .. do not tell her you are expecting until you have to !
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