I am inviting about 80 (!) people. I have hardwood floors with a thick finish and I am wanting to know a polite way to include something in the invite to let everyone know that I don't want spikey high heels. My house is brand new and I don't want my floors ruined. I don't want to sound mean and I don't want to put a sign up saying to remove your shoes at the door. What do I do???
HELP!!! I am having a baby shower...?
I would include a note on the bottom of your invitation saying something like:
"no high heels please, new hardwood floors! =) "
they should understand...if they all have homes of their own.
Reply:My friend just moved in to her place and had her floors redone as well. She had a baby shower party as well and to protect her floors, had a shoe rack near the door, with a bucket of brand new booty socks for everyone with "congratulations, its a boy" written on the side. It was REALLY cute.
We all took off our shoes, put on our new booties, and then took pictures. It was a great idea. ;)
Reply:80 people? Woah!
You might try stressing that dress is casual: "High heels not required."
Maybe they will get the hint.
But in all honesty, with that many people it will be hard to control what is worn. You may have to live with it, or intercept "high-heelers" at the door.
Reply:Alright well, you need to just say in your invite:
Baby Shower You are invited! Please come with a baby outfit the best outfit wins! Then they'll come with baby booties, and little sneakers and stuff like that! And if they come with heels, tell them to take their shoes off, and carry them into the house until they get to some carpet, and just go from there!
Reply:I hope that the mother to be wont be opening the gifts at the party. Too many! The only way to insure no one walks on heels on your floor is to station someone at the entry to enforce the rule of no shoes. And that person can not leave to go to the bathroom even.
Reply:Have somebody greet each person at the door and they can simply say something like: "Gifts go over there and you can place your shoes over there." Just have a rug or basket out for everybodies shoes. It would also be nice then to give each guest a (cheap) pair of slip-on slippers or socks (like baby bootys so it would fit in with the shower) so they don't have to walk around barefoot.
Reply:Well, I would kindly ask everyone that comes in if they could remove their shoes if they have heels since you want to take care of your floor. If I was your guest I would understand. If yo don't ask you are going to spend the whole time at the shower worrying about your floor and money trying to fix the marks. Your friends will understand. Trust me. Don't worry, it'll work out.
Reply:I watched a Martha Stewart show, where she said she had a basket of footie socks by here door. they were expensive, and somebody had to tell her there were cheaper ones out there.
Try to find ones that have sayings on them. what a cute favor! socks that say it's a boy! Get some cheap baggies, and when people go put heir shoes back on, they can roll them up, and take them home.
Two suggestions: keep a sturdy chair or two by the door for the less agile of us to sit and take our shoes off, and buy the footies with the non-slip coating on them. You might even find a rubber backed throw rug for in front of or under the chairs, so people can come in the door, sit, and take off shoes without scratching up the entryway, and so the chairs won't slip and scoot and scratch.
Reply:Make it an Oriental Theme Baby Shower......Have all the guest sit on pillows on the floor....Of course they would naturally have to take off thier shoes....Serve Oriental food....Tea...ETC.....It would be different and FUN.
Reply:You can have your guests remove their shoes, but provide slippers for everyone. (cheap ones at 99 cent store)Not everyone likes to barefoot it.
You are not being mean, it's your house. I know a lot of people don't allow shoes in their house because of germs, dirt and their nice floors.
Reply:I was reading the other answers and something popped into my head--- when my hubby's aunt had a bridal shower for me before we got married she had just had her floors redone and she went to like wal-mart or some place like that and bought some cheap little rugs all in the same color and put them down over her floors like where people would walk, so nothing would be damaged...
Good Luck
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